Pico de Orizaba

Pico de Orizaba
Taken from Huatusco, Veracruz, the closest town to Margarita's family's ranch.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A new discovery: #10 on the list of possible causes of my heart problems...

10)  Inmunoglobin M deficiency:  

Over the past two years and at least 15 blood tests, there has existed one constant that does not change, my Inmunoglobin M (IgM) is ALWAYS low.  When I notice results outside of the recommended field, I immediately investigate on the internet to see what the science says about low or high numbers.  But, with IgM, I've repeatedly encountered the same lack of understanding, although it is linked with Lupus, Multiple Myeloma and various skin infections/diseases/reactions...  The cause is unknown.  Hence, without understanding the cause, it is more difficult to find an adequate resolution.

Today I decided to return to the investigation. However, I changed the search term to Inmunoglobin M Deficiency and Heart Disease.  

Here are some of the titles that appeared: 

"Primary selective IgM deficiency: an ignored immunodeficiency"

"Protective Roles of Natural IgM Antibodies"  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3341951/

"Autoantibodies in Heart Failure and Cardiac Dysfunction"

Naturally Occuring Antibodies 

Heart Diseases: New Insights for the Healthcare Professional: 2013 Edition

Low levels of Inmunoglobin M leads to atherosclerosis and heart disease.  In the chapter of "Heart Diseases: New Insights..." the authors explain that low levels of IgM antibodies to oxidized cardiolipin increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and high levels of IgM decrease the risk...  In Naturally Occuring Antibodies, the authors explain that low levels of IgM accelerates the process of plaquing in Atherosclerosis.

In one of the articles, rats bred to be genetically IgM deficient given IgM antibodies were found to greatly decrease their atherosclerosis.  

The other day I shared my discovery connecting low testosterone levels to increased levels of TMAO circulating in the blood stream that causes a great increase in cholesterol sticking to the artery walls; meaning that the logical solution to the problem is to increase the person's testosterone levels.

In the articles and books mentioned above, low levels of IgM is linked to higher levels of oxidized LDL cholesterol circulating in the blood stream. It is believed that 30% of the IgM antibodies work is to remove oxidized LDL cholesterol (and dying apoptosed cells; apoptosis is programmed cell death).  Are you aware that with atherosclerosis, the main reason Statins are prescribed is for preventing an Apoplexy, better known as a Stroke.  The statins supposedly cause the plaques to become cemented to the walls of the artery in order for reducing the risk of a plaque breaking off and lodging itself into the brain causing a stroke...  But, what if producing enough IgM reduces the production of plaques and reduces other debris floating in the blood stream reducing the risk of a "log jam"?

The question is how to increase my levels of IgM?

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