Pico de Orizaba

Pico de Orizaba
Taken from Huatusco, Veracruz, the closest town to Margarita's family's ranch.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How do you know you will die? ¿Comó vas a morir?

How do you know when you will die.  ¿ Sepas cuando vas a morir?  ¿Comó vas? ¿Comó presentará?  How will you die?  How will it appear to you?  We can walk this world planning our deaths, discussing the multiple possibilities (el infinito... las infinitas posibilidades)...  What is the best way, the easiest way to leave.  How do YOU want to die?  In your sleep?  Fucking your lover?  A heart attack at the moment of orgasm?  Encima de tú amante...  Envuelto en los brazos de tú amor...  Un infarto en el momento de orgasmo...  Tal vez se embaraza con la ultima esperma que salio de tú cuerpo, de tú pene, de tú pito y ahorra es imposible van olvidarte...  How will YOU die...? ¿Comó vas a morir?  ¿Comó murieras?

Sí en esta forma tú mujer, tú hijo nunca conocieras valio verga...  Pero, tú fuiste a la vergada... Él no.  Le quiere doble tú mujer porque el verdaderamente eres tú y es su hijo... un regalo...  

Tienes derecho vivir a good life?  Estarias protegido del estato comó ciudadano? comó humano?  Te protege dios, el Señor, Jesus, el Cristo, la Virgen, de Guadalupe, el José quien se encontro con la virgen, aquí en Mexico o aya en Nazareth...?  Pero, José significa "pendejo" no es cierto...?  Ya, me mataria solo con el ultimo comentario...  Pero, solo porque quieren matar alguien, no porque a ellos les importa un bledo quien fue José...

How will you die?  How will I die?  How will we die?

Yesterday he was running marathons, looked normal... Today, a month later destroyed by Lymphatic Cancer...  Says to his wife, to his daughters, "let me go, don't waste what little we have saved..." But she can't let him go that way and now they will subject him to ChemoTherapy.  But, in a month the cancer spread from his jaw and mouth to his legs... In a month he went from running a mini-marathon to not being able to walk...  Who planned this one?

This isn't a joke... It's just bilingual stream of consciousness... Me...  How would you dance with death?  You've gotta embrace it because it's the only guarrantee you've got...

¿Comó bailarias con la Muerte?  Tienes que abrazarla...  Es la unica garantia tienes aquí...  

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