Pico de Orizaba

Pico de Orizaba
Taken from Huatusco, Veracruz, the closest town to Margarita's family's ranch.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A slow and slightly bloody run...

Today I ran a slow 4.66 miles (7.5 kilometers) in 52 minutes.  Friday I ran it in 49 minutes.  Friday I ate Nopal (prickly pear) cactus paddles and didn't bleed.  Today (nor yesterday) I didn't eat cactus paddles and bled (not a lot like last week, but I bled all the same).  Although I'm eating ground flax and chia seeds that are high in mucilage, they don't provide enough for preventing the bleeding as does nopal (cactus paddles)...

Friday we ran after 8pm.  The run was very good for me.  But, I wasn't able to sleep until at least 5am, basically wrecking my Saturday and ultimately causing me to cancel Saturday's run since I decided it best to run in the morning or midday (especially for the run; it's been raining a lot these days.  So, we've seen little sun).  The lack of sleep also sent my BP soaring to at least 150/90... when it has been between (low) 115/75 and (high) 122/85...  This morning it was in the 150/90s range.  An hour and a half after the run it was at 117/85.  Now, 5 hours later and 3 cups of Oolong tea (supposedly prevents hypertension; lowers triglycerides and cholesterol and supposedly helps reduce weight by increasing metabolism) it was around 131/90... Granted, sitting and writing at the computer greatly increases my BP, one reason I limit my writing and reading on the computer... which is a problem for this blog... since it causes erratic writings and I don't dedicate the depth to the subjects I'm writing about... for instance, this one... Truthfully, I find writing very stressful... or the intensity causes my "body temperature" to rise... hence, the rise in blood pressure...  And, as you may have noticed, health has become a very important issue for me these "days"...  Like with my "family", I would put aside the painting and the writing to insure optimal health.  Believe that? But, this is my last shot to achieve something for which I truly wish.  Writing and painting can't achieve that... So, I spend the majority of my free time reading on progressive health.  I mentioned to Margarita today too bad we can't run 10-12 hours per day...  like fish or birds...  

When I run I find myself thinking of my Uncle Henry and questions I wish I could ask him.  But that's not possible, since he's dead.  I think about the questions I didn't ask him when I was running in college and why I didn't ask them... I probably didn't think about them.  And I end the thought with the understanding that there wasn't enough descent communication between the two of us for being able to use him as a helpful resource... 

It's at least 20 years since I've run for 52 minutes or over 4 miles...  And I wonder if it is my new diet that enables me to run so long without experiencing the "typical" aches and pains or the beginnings of "typical" injuries around the knee...  I find that I begin the run pretty slowly and experience a gradual increase in intensity combined with calmness.  Towards the end (the last mile) is when I may find my stride opening up greatly (the moment when I feel as if I am a gazelle and floating).  The velocity doesn't always appear towards the finish.  But, I do find that I could run indefinitely if I wished.  But, I am trying to follow the 10% maximal increase per week.  Nothing is worse than being sidelined for months due to an injury caused by momentary enthusiasm...  

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