... John, Tom or Ted... was taken on a visit with the angel of death... to the lives of others... John, Tom or Ted had lived a perfect life, no struggle, no trauma... possibly the "American Dream"... The Angle of Death took him visiting the experiences of people who suffered horribly... unimaginable struggles, traumas...
John, Tom or Ted cried out, "This just can't be!" and found himself in the endeavor of digging up the unseen good in these horrifying lives...
Upon dying... John, Tom or Ted... was taken on a visit with the angel of death... to the lives of others... John, Tom or Ted had lived a horrible life... The Angel of Death took him visiting the wonderful lives of others...
John, Tom or Ted cried out, "This just can't be!" and found himself looking for "skeletons in the closet", and wishing for the ability to bury all the good he saw... the good he didn't experience in his past life...
What is "truth"?
Truth is what happened, what existed... For some, truth is a wonderful experience, a good thing. For others, truth is horrible... And then there are the others, for whom, truth is a mix of good and bad...
And here we come to the question of what truly is good and what truly is bad?... Or or both necessary for the existence of others, for healthfulness?
And what is denile? How does it affect us... our families, communities... our relationships... our lives?
Must we fear the Angel of Death? And how can Death and Angel be placed together as a descriptor of a specific entity?
No one is immortal... at least within the typical modern context..
Maybe immortality is the existence of infinite lives and infinite deaths... It's to say that we die and are reborn... again and again...
And you may ask skeptically? "For what purpose?" And I will ask you, "for what purpose is living only one life?"
The people who exploit, negate and deny justify their behaviors lacking conscientiousnous and consideration with the popular statement "you only live once, so you may as well live life to its fullest potential!" And if you live repeated lives?
But why live only one life? And wouldn't that actually make our spirit or soul obsolete? If you only live one life, the damage you create, the garbage you leave behind... is past... You're gone... nothing to worry about... So, why do we continue he name of our fathers and our grandfathers? Why is it important for us to have children?
If when you die, it didn't really matter what you did when you lived... since you lived only one life, you may as well enjoy it at all costs, ignoring the consequences of your hedonism and your lack of consciousness and true consideration... then maybe your life, your existence, YOU, who you are or were, isn't really worth diddly... And if most of the almost 7 billion human being overpopulating the Earth believe as you believe, then maybe it isn't a tragedy that certain governments believe in exterminating millions of people, genocide... Maybe a nuclear war doesn't matter... Maybe it really doesn't matter if you lived well or if you suffered... Afterall, you only live one life... which means that just as you lived, you will die... so why does it matter how you lived... or at what age you died?
There are no tragedies... just experiences...
If she was raped by her brother or he by his father... or picked upon in school and at home... or had 6 unsuccessful surgeries attending to her cancer before the age of 15... or his town was invided by a foreign army, mutilating and destroying and torturing everyone in sight... what does it matter? If you only live one life...
If you only live one life, you only have so much time for accomplishing so many things...
For what?
Afterall, when you die, you can't take your success with you... And after you've died, you can't look up your name in the history books... So why does it matter?
Why does having children matter if it doesn't truly matter to you the world you participated in creating for them and their children and their children's children?
That one day the white Americans would live as did the African slaves because of your lack of interest, your lack of consideration, your lack of compassion... because of your exaggerated egoism, selfishness, hedonism...
Because you only live one life, it doesn't matter what you did and what will happen to the lives after yours... Afterall, you won't be around to observe the aftermath...
But, what if you live repeated lives and you will observe the aftermath of your actions? your participation?
This is not about God or the bibles... It's not about law. Nor is it about philosophy... It's about perspectives and truth...
It's about the history of humankind on Earth... All we have is the present and history... So, when you look at the past, you are actually looking at the present... And until you decide to change the present, you won't see changes in the past showing you how you truly live... History doesn't repeat itself... it just continues as we truly wish for history continuing...
If you are a denyer or a negator, that's the present and the history you participated in creating... If you say you are against child abuse but you blatantly ignore the histories of the children you abused, well you've just negated your validity as a conscientious progressive and proactive human being... You've turned yourself into a hypocrite and that's the society you helped create... I don't know who truly is the monster: you or the person who honestly says they hate the other, honestly says they would rape again and that it was a good thing... At the very least, whom you call the monster is easily identified and is clearly defined problem... But, you the hypocrite create a horrible ambiguity that doesn't enable clean and clear work for creating healthy evolution...
Instead, we find the human race spiraling into an increasingly horrible abyss... and the hypocrites scream, "how could this have occurred!!!!????" How is it that Trump entered office and hasn't been impeached and was able to avoid a government shut down before the end of his 100 days...? As if Trump was the worst of the world's problems...
I guess you've never truly suffered at the hands of others... and maybe it doesn't truly matter... Afterall, you live only one life... And when it's over, so is your suffering at the hands of Trump...
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