Eve talks about killing herself... for what was done to her...by her brother... Doesn't matter that Adam loves her...truly...regardless of what was done to her... by her brother... and Adam is a chauvinist... but he loves her... Although the community... his family has said so much against her... the once-upon-a-time 11-year-old girl who miscarried her older brother's baby and nearly bled to death... Does her brother dream of dying? Does his wife know what he did? Or does he dream of his daughter reaching puberty? Maybe for him it isn't a dream... maybe he doesn't wait...Can you imagine what it is for her? And you may ask "for whom?" The boy to man is just adventuring, attending to a need.... just a momentary event...or a chain of momentary events and he moves on... as if nothing happened...the girl, the woman, the sister, the daughter, the cousin is just an object or a posession....
Eve's brother-in-law Alexis thought he was being smart confronting her , "Eve, you must have liked it if it occurred for a prolonged period of time!" But Eve was only 11-years-old when she became pregnant with her 19-year-old brother's baby. I wish I had been there when Alexis accused Eve. In Alexis's mind, if Eve enjoyed sex with her brother then she is guilty of having become pregnant and hemorrhaging during the miscarriage. But why must Alexis believe she enjoyed it and why does it matter? She was a child and her brother was almost an adult. Would a 10 or an 11-year-old approach ANYONE let alone her older brother and say "F-me"? Who is more likely to be the sexual predator, a sexually developed young man or a pre-pubescent girl? Eve says that she hadn't yet started getting her period before she became pregnant...
Touch-typed on my cellphone and posted on Facebook a week ago while working in the coffee bar in Aguascalientes...
On the edge of the Texas-Tamaulipas border, where the buzzards float overhead awaiting dehydrated Mexican seekers of the "American Dream" take their last step in the desert, I came to a deep ravine. I placed my back to the dark abyss and let myself fall backwards... into Mexico. Almost 3 years after the creation of "Dead Man Walking; Alive in Mexico (June 2011) I realize that I am very alive...
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