Look, the Effient is for preventing a medical emergency with the stent... it is to prevent coagulation in the stent... The statins are for decreasing cholesterol production by the Liver... If Magnesium functions in the same way, yet decreases other medical risks, why not take the Magnesium? Afterall, 80% of Americans have a deficiency in Magnesium at the same time as an incredible increase in the related chronic diseases "of affluence"... But, who has a deficiency of Statins? It seems to me if "they" had their way, they would convince the U.S. government that, in order to prevent heart disease, children should be placed on Statins. Afterall, the plaque build up and the poor diet habits begin in childhood... I don't believe that "he" ate a hamburger or KFC and suddenly created a medical emergency. However, deficiencies and toxic build-up along with plaque build up (not due to cholesterol but to LPa, VLDL, Calcium and oxidized LDL, the lack of sufficient HDL (or the right type of HDL) for transporting oxidized LDL and excess of LDL back to the Liver to be converted into bile...) gradually cause medical emergencies...
Like statins, I've read about Metaformin... But, I can't say that I paid a ton of attention to Metaformin. Contraversial drug treatments for diabetes don't interest me... What interests me is preventing, controlling or curing diabetes by removing what exacerbates it... You wouldn't be at odds with me if I told you how I think Bruce should "treat" his diabetes... But, you would be at odds with me if I had told you to tell Aunt Annabel to ignore the idea of going on chemotherapy... or what I'm saying about my not wanting to take Statins since I can take magnesium, hawthorn extract, pomegranate juice, cacao, turmeric and a whole bunch of other things for improving the health of my coronary arteries...
I just had my blood tested for Homocysteine which is supposedly the greatest marker for arteriosclerosis... You can check that claim. We'll see what "they" tell me on Friday. On the 2nd I receive the results of my Electrophoresis of Lipids. I do not know if I'll be able to interpret it... and the cardiologist will be extremely offended if I send him it...
This is not about waging war. In fact, the tension is pretty damn discouraging for me... It is about creating "peace of mind"... This is how I learned to take care of myself. I know you feel it unfair that I rehash all of your wrong doings... It's not about that. I lived a life. And that life was lived in a certain form... partially due to how I as a little boy responded to the situation... greatly due to how others responded to that situation. You weren't there with us and Uncle Stan. In ways I wasn't there either since it was Seth's statement that made me realize that what I remembered happening to Beth (projection due to dissociation) had actually happened to me. And, yes, I wonder how I was as that 4-year-old child that so greatly got on Uncle Stan's nerves, so much so to warrant his wrath and violence within the circumstances... I also wonder about how much pressure I put upon you with my needs and how you lost your patience under such circumstances... However there were many things said and done and ignored that shouldn't have been...
In the end, I learned to live alone and to only believe in myself... You would say that I was let down by many people... But, there comes a time when you realize that you canNOT risk being let down by others... you cannot risk the laziness or irresponsibility of others... Doctors can be horribly irresponsible and lazy. Yes lazy... to read the updated studies... years after having graduated from Medical School with their specialty... Not enough time for reading the new journals... the line of appointments... every time a patient takes up too much time with their questions and concerns... and now there are patients waiting in the lobby for 45 minutes after their appointment scheduled...
A year ago "they" debunked 60 years of Ansel Keys influenced public policy relating to saturated fats and cholesterol... Decades of the FDA ignoring science and directly or indirectly protecting the billion dollar vegetable oil industry and the trillion dollar cholesterol lowering pharmaceutical industry. This came out in the NYTimes... in February... And then Sweden changed its dietary guidelines regarding saturated fat, cholesterol and refined carbs... and said that they highly doubted, even with the science backing them (the scientists) up, that the U.S. would change its guidelines... Why is this important? Because most countries health departments follow the U.S. lead, even if they are incorrect.
In England it is prohibited to combine Beta Blockers with another drug because of the high risk of causing diabetes. That prohibition does not exist in the U.S. And that's why I ask, "Aproved by Whom?" It may not be so important that statins are the only treatment approved by the FDA, just as chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery are the only treatments approved by the FDA for cancer... Does that make them correct?
Read Gary Taubes "Good Calories;Bad Calories"... He touches on a ton of contraversy between certain research institutes and the FDA... How certain scientific research was blatantly ignored since the 70s only to resurface ironically as a slap in the face in February 2014. The book was published well before 60 years of bad science, bad medicine and bad policy was turned on its head and published in the New York Times...
I wasn't reading this for prevention of an imminent heart attack. I was reading this for understanding how to truly eat healthfully, increase my energy, decrease my inflamation and finally decrease my size and weight... Nothing to do with statins or metaformin...
Truthfully, I don't believe I'm an idiot. But, I've been so isolated for so long, especially in my youth... Sheri was so good at isolating me... that it is difficult for me to be socially acceptable and accept so easily as do you... I guess you've gotta try and understand the monster you made or leave him alone.
Well, that is how I generally see myself when telling people about the affects of... refined carbs, sodas, wheat products, energy drinks, proton pump inhibitors (for relieving one of the affects of their poor dietary habits)... metaformin so that Bruce can continue eating what he wishes... Isn't that the same with Statins? Put the junk in my mouth... the statins will remove it from my blood or liver... The
Gastroenterologist who referred me to the Cardiologist prescribed me a proton pump inhibitor (Omeprazol that seems to be being dumped in Mexico; even Costco had a sale on it). And I told him, "You've gotta be kidding! I don't have esophagitis or a hiatal hernia and studies
on FAP/Gardners patients with Helicobacter Pilori in their stomachs have a very high risk of developing cancer of the stomach if they take a Proton Pump Inhibitor..." That's why I'm the monster. But, tell me, Who is the idiot? Where the hell do I get my information from?
And yes, I will probably die well before you would consider it my time... maybe in the next year (24% of survivors of AMIs die in the first year after their first heart attack...). But, I refuse to be anyone's idiot or pawn.
On the edge of the Texas-Tamaulipas border, where the buzzards float overhead awaiting dehydrated Mexican seekers of the "American Dream" take their last step in the desert, I came to a deep ravine. I placed my back to the dark abyss and let myself fall backwards... into Mexico. Almost 3 years after the creation of "Dead Man Walking; Alive in Mexico (June 2011) I realize that I am very alive...
Pico de Orizaba

Taken from Huatusco, Veracruz, the closest town to Margarita's family's ranch.
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