don't believe I'm a case of sulfur deficiency based upon various physical and dietary reasons. But, I do find it interesting just how a genetic difference or physiological changes or traumas caused by major surgery can affect our health and nutritional standing later on in life.
And think about this: do you know just how important is a person's medical/health history for doctors and hospitals before ever treating the patient? Having been with Beth and I through all of those examinations, doctors, surgeries and hospital case workers, I'm sure you are very familiar with the answer.
So, how the hell could it be possible that the Cardiologist and no other doctor I've met with here in Guadalajara gives a flying fish about anything I tell them about my history, my allergies, my diet etc?
Most humans supposedly aren't born with a gene mutation. So, the doctors or medical industry can treat them as if they are all alike, prescribing the same homogenous remedies... as if the patient is a clone of the other patients... But, what happens when you encounter a "mutant"... someone who is physiological or genetically different?
Remember one thing: I could have died on that table the evening of March 14th... I went into convulsions. My pulse shot up from 68 to 200 before I lost consciousness. My cardiologist said it was an alergic reaction to the iodine in the image resolution ink they placed in my heart. He said that this had NEVER happened in his experience and that the statistics are less than 10% of angiogram patients having an alergic reaction to the ink. Margarita said that when this was happening, he ran out of the "operating room" in search of someone... that someone was an expert in these types of reactions... but what would have occurred had that person not been available on time... or if they couldn't control the reaction?
And why in the name of... doesn't this experience cause the cardiologist to listen to what I tell him about my asthma, slight bleeding problems related to my J-Pouch, my dehydration issue connected with my not having a rectum or a large intestine, my history of allergic reactions to Aspirin, and my duodenitis connected with FAP/Gardners? When you read about the pharmaceuticals he prescribed, it is stated "if the patient is asthmatic or has respiratory problems"... "if the patient has hemoraging or bleeding problems"... if the patient suffers from diarrhea or dehidration problems..." "If the patient has issues with alergies in general..." And, he said, "considering your history, I see absolutely no problem with your taking any of the medications I prescribed."
I don't know if I sent you the Australian article explaining that alergic reactions to the image resonance ink during angiograms has nothing to do with iodine or allergies to shellfish or seafood. It has totally to do with IF THE PATIENT HAS A HISTORY OF A BROAD SWATH OF
ALLERGIES... And the cardiologists and nurses must be aware of that increased risk before the patient is placed within the angiogram.
That said, it is very poor medicine on the part of the cardiologist that he blatantly ignores my medical history and my allergy history.
Now to what I wrote the other day:
Hi, I was recommended by a friend after sharing with her my homocysteine results. On the 12th of March I had a very surprising first heart attack, although I had just spent a week on the beach and two weeks eating purely fish and a year avoiding all refined carbs, wheat products, industrial vegetable oils... The day I had my heart attack I thought it was an allergic reaction to soybean oil in dark chocolate and did 72 fast push-ups, 20 wheel abdominals and ran 3 miles smack in the middle. Then my bp dropped precipitously... The following day I had my routine blood tests to check my glucose levels, LDL, VLDL and HDL (56)... And discovered my AST and DHL (Lactic Acid in the blood) high, that told me that I had had a heart attack 24 hours earlier. The following day I visited with a cardiologist and later on that day I had an angiogram and two angioplasties (stents) placed in the non-heart attack arteries. In the middle of placing the second stent, I had an allergic reaction causing my heart rate to rise from 68 to 200... My body went into convulsions and I blacked out... When I awakened I couldn't see for a few hours... Before the reaction began, the cardiologist exclaimed that I wasn't hypertensive and I claimed that it must be related to my high consumption of ground flaxseeds... which he promptly ignored... Where am I going with this?
The cardiologist and I (along with my mother who works in a hospital in Flemington NJ; I live in Guadalajara Mexico) are in a battle over my desire to NOT take statins... I asked him, if my numbers are perfect, then why lower the cholesterol and triglycerides? And, why did the heart attack cause my bp to remain so low (on average of 106/70 +/-)? He said that it must be because I'm very healthy due to my exercise and diet and how much weight I had lost over the year (actually between March and July 2014; 33 pounds). So, why the heart attack?
My facebook friend and sufferer of MTHRF along with other problems suggested I have my homocysteine taken and it just came back, so she connected me with you, since the results say that I'm fine. 9.83...
Let me tell you about me: I was diagnosed with asthma as a child. But supposedly I outgrew that. I do not and have never believed that... always with respiration and sinus problems. I have had horrible reaction to apple cider and alcohol (now I know that it is a reaction to sulfates). Was always allergic to cats (although my mother had us with cats throughout my childhood... and old carpets and old furniture) and she had this horrible habit of smoking in the car with the windows closed on hot summer days... In New York City I visited a free asthma clinic and was told that I wasn't asthmatic, but what I suffered from was seasonal allergies. As a child, my mother would take me to Channel Home Center, where I couldn't breath from the fumes of the treated wood... But, I'm the only one who experiences that. I'm also the only one who reacts to bamboo dust and water damage mold spores... A year ago I prepared a bone broth with cows feet, ribs and oxtail and within hours I inflated with 7 pounds of water... I looked like a gelatin bag. That's when I learned about under-methylation and that, in order for me to decrease the inflamation I must rapidly increase my methionine levels by eating muscle meat like chicken breast... nothing near the bone...
I inhereted my father's and paternal grandmothers FAP/Gardners Syndrome gene and had my colon removed at the age of 13 in 1982. Just after 9/11 I had my rectum removed and part of my ileum constructed as a J-Pouch. A year later I moved to Mexico and have suffered horribly when eating any fruit, vegetable or nut/seed high in fiber... until I removed the wheat products from my diet. I have never been diagnosed for celiac... there are many tests you cannot find here in Mexico. And, in order to test for celiac, first I must return to eating wheat, which I refuse to do, since I know the difference...
Although Jenny sent me Vitamin D 10,000mgs 2 years ago when I was suffering horrible from muscle fatigue and no longer could run and my Vitamin D was at 19, and although my diet is so wonderful and I run without my shirt at midday etc, I find my Vitamin D levels dropping again (now at 27, down from 33 in November). The cardiologists don't want to talk about Vitamin D... And I'm certain they don't want to talk about magnesium or Vitamin C or CoEnzyme Q10... And, here in
Mexico you can't encounter adequate suppliments...
And here I am being warned that if I don't take Statins, and blood thinners and Beta Blockers and Effient, I will have a massive heart attack since the stents will become blocked within 6 months... And Jenny wants me to look into MTHFR and I'm wondering just how much any of this truly matters... Ok, not so much as that... But, how much of this truly is in my hands now, although I am very diligent and proactive...
And what do you think after having read all of this? I'm almost 46-years-old... and waiting for the next lightning bolt.

"Ross you letter contains so much information, much of what I am familiar with. But it does scare me and I only hope that you are making the correct decisions about how you are managing health decisions. I will try to be as supportive as I can be and try to get you the suppliments that you have requested. But I have to say that I am not 100% convinced that you are able and can be the best diagnostician for all the correct decisions necessary."
And in Mexico more than 50% of the diagnostic tests available in the U.S. are non-existent... such as testing for Celiac, for magnesium deficiencies, for the different sizes of HDL and LDL cholesterol... for gene mutations... So, as far as can see, I have only one option... and that is to inform myself the best I can and go with that...
A year ago, when I had my vitamin Bs tested, my blood was sent to the U.S. (California), not even to Mexico City where Mexico's best University and medical schools are... Do you understand what that means? If they don't have the ability to test B1, B3 and B6 in Mexico, what type of medical services can they offer? Truthfully, what type of care will one receive?
And you turn all of this writing into the conclusion that I'm the one failing here? Explain to me; what in all that I've written you over the past 2 weeks put it into your head that my cardiologist is doing all that he can to understand what caused the heart attack and what could cause the next one?
As I said, it could have been caused by a sudden gingivitis inflamation that was occurring those two weeks. It could have been caused by general inflamation from an allergic reaction to soybean oil in the chocolate I ate that morning (and the night before) that caused the constricting of the heart arteries... But, he has absolutely no interest in how and why I have so many allergic reactions.
Why is it that I ALWAYS feel like I must spell it out for you letter by letter and you still throw it in my face? Watch "Lorenzo's Oil". Lorenzo's parents were NOT doctors or scientists but they were forced to work and think that way because the people in their field (for political reasons) were NOT doing all they could for solving the problem. Is there something in what I just wrote that you don't
Maybe in 1985, when I was diagnosed with ADD and put on Ridilin and felt optimistic for 2 weeks and said that I wanted to go to college and study microbiology and one day work for NIH on a cure for cancer, had you not responded horribly cruly and sarcastically, "today you want to be a doctor... tomorrow an astronaut, or a fireman or the president of the United States or a rock star!" and said, "well, I think you can be whatever you put your mind to..." maybe we would have avoided a lot of train wrecks and even this past heart attack."
Have a great vacation with those you don't have to tell how to live their lives.
If you heard another parent respond to their child exactly how you responded to me when for the first time I believed I could make it to college and be someone, don't you think you would have been horrified for the child? And how many concerns would have passed through your mind?
Afterall, my father had been the valedictorian of his Brooklyn College graduating class and then awarded the very prestigious Fullbright scholarship to Purdue University and became a very talented eye doctor.
What is wrong with you?

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