"While strolling through the park one day. In the merry merry month of May I was taken by surprise. By a pair of roguish eyes. I was scared but I didn't run away..."
Maybe you should have... run a way... if he didn't have legs twice the length of yours... and the key to the bathroom door...
Ok. Maybe I should continue over again...
You think I'm crazy. Don't you? But, truthfully you don't know what all of this is about. Do you?
While driving to the park this afternoon, I found myself in the middle of a conversation with Margarita that led me to remember the wonderful Barbara Streisand/Richard Dreyfus movie, "Nuts". Truthfully, I don't remember why I saw it decades ago, and just how much I saw... Although I was very impressed...
Before showing the movie with Spanish Subtitles I found on YouTube (we can't buy every movie I think a pertanent part of our constant conversation). I introduced Margarita to some of Barbara Streisand's music, thinking Margarita should have heard her songs, just as she's heard the BeeJees and Billy Joel etc... I wanted Margarita to know a little about Barbara Streisand as a singer before seeing her act so... And I remembered that I would NEVER have told my middle-school peers that I like Barbara Streisand's music or face. Actually, I loved her face and her original nose... The same went for Barry Manilow... You've gotta love the "Copacabana", although I had no idea I would find myself living a good part of my life in Mexico only speaking Spanish. In fact, it is very difficult for me to speak English... It was much easier when I changed from English to Spanish speaking with my Mexican Federal Police friend, whose probably reading this as are you... Fortunately for him, he can also read what I just posted in Spanish... Good for me, I can read, write and speak both languages, although it is easier for me to speak Spanish than write it and write English than speak it...
But back to Claudia (Barbara Streisand) and her "craziness"... I loved the scene when Claudia's mother cries out, "I'm so sorry! I had no idea!" No she didn't. She was always too drunk... But, as you know, just because a family member or the family members didn't know what happened behind closed doors or when they weren't around, does NOT mean that those things did NOT occur...
At the moment I am having difficulty remembering what led up to the part of the conversation where I remembered the movie and wanted Margarita to see it... Something to do with feminist "theory" and why some feminists believe that female prostitution is the legal right of the woman... As Claudia explained to the Judge and others in the courtroom, "I knew women who married men they despised just to be able to have the Mercedes, house in the country, fir coats... I know women who crawled through shit just to..." The conversation was long. An earlier part of it explaining why it is the adults' (and parents) responsibility to talk with the children about sexuality (not in the form of Claudia's step dad) since they will find out about it possibly in ways or much earlier than what would be desired by the adults. But that wasn't really the beginning. Margarita had made a comment that sexual pleasure is most logical during the period when the two people are able to create babies and possibly when they are passed the procreation period, maybe it is understandable that they feel less...
It was a good conversation that led to our watching the very impacting movie... But, a poor recreation of the actual conversation is a slippery slope... When do children discover their "sexuality" or what can cause pleasure and how... who taught "little twin" about her "little dick" (her words at that age) when she was only 6-years-old and that had a horrible impact upon all of us... But, for some, it is "better" to ignore and forget. I have this horrible problem of not being able to forget as easily as others and the other problem that I can't ignore ANYTHING... I can walk on by... But, I can't truly close my eyes... I couldn't forget the tears... nor the screams... You've gotta love a good Dionne Warwick song...
Truthfully, I don't know why I was so impressed by "nuts" when I was so "young"... I guess I know now. Or maybe I always knew... I remembered other things today talking with Margarita in the Park... They were interesting discoveries. But, I don't remember them at this moment...
There are two or more people in a relationship. For that relationship to work, all of the members must truly respect and consider the needs, feelings, experiences and rights of the others... If it is a relationship between two people, both people must have their lines of communication open and respect the needs/desires and state of being at each and every moment of the other... All people deserve equal respect and equal consideration. No one is the property of another... And if we "mess-up" it is our responsibility to share our awareness and disappointment in ourselves with the other person. And not because that's what we think the other person wants. We have the responsibility to work towards harmony with the other person and try and understand the best we can why the other does not feel harmony with us.
Why? I don't know. Maybe I was too strongly impacted by what I saw in movies or read in novels or heard from the Rabbi who visited with us a few times every summer in camp... Maybe I was too sensitive to the messages between the lines meant for teaching "us" how to be better building blocks of a healthy, productive and harmonious society... Yes, it could all be part of a Utopian Dream or nightmare like Aldoux Huxley's "Brave New World"... Or was that book written when Huxley had come to "terms" with his dream of constructing "Utopia" and realized that it was organically impossible? Originating from Great Britain was the Utopia philosophical/cultural movement you find the writers Huxley and Orwell... But that seemingly gave way to the existential movement of Sartre, Camus, de Beauvoir and Moravia (although he was actually listed below humanism, but there are few differences, although some may say that humanism is intentional and existentialism unintentional)... Maybe with the second world war, the Utopian bubble was burst... and with the fascist occupation of France and Italy, existentialism was born...
But, what does this mean for those who were traumatized in supposedly safe environments? And what about those who live in safe environments intentionally created incredibly safe for others, but not for them, although they've been told that they have the right to what only the others receive? And what if you live in a world where you were never promised anything and in the name of something good or something bad, you were made to suffer horribly for super-extended periods of time, and without any form of explanation?
For the poor Catholics, "It's God's will" and something good in the future is only possible if it's "God willing"...
And what if around the age of 6 the girl or the boy began being sexually abused by bigger people (people we "should" trust... possibly people who "should" protect us) and the were confused, because it was a confusing "issue" or experience or situation... and maybe they said no one day and didn't say no another... and what if they liked the attention or confused it with "love" or they like the feeling... at the same time as not liking any of it? Claudia exclaimed that she NEVER said NO to her stepfather, as if she was to blame for his assault and violation of her...
What happens when the woman puts on a mini skirt and a low cut blouse and wears a push-up bra to eccentuate her breasts?
Why can most people accept a shirtless man and a woman in her "brazier" etc on the beach, but not on a sunny day in a park?
What happens or is happening? If the woman in the bikini top in the park or the mini-skirt in the club is assaulted or raped (or misunderstood by her date who couldn't control his excitement or desire and received an undesired response to his actions)...
Yes, all adults must consider all possible "responses" or "consequences" to their actions... and ask maybe why the would risk being in certain situations... Although assault is assault, violation is violation and there is only one truly guilty party... However, what happens to children, what is done to children is a whole different subject and has life long consequences for the innocent (the child is always innocent). The form the consequences take depends greatly upon many factors, that depend greatly upon the adults responsible for the health of the child...
They didn't create the film "Nuts" just for entertaining viewers or for creating mental masterbation for the intellectuals... or for displaying Barbara Streisand's acting skills.
It wasn't hypothetical...
Before showing the movie with Spanish Subtitles I found on YouTube (we can't buy every movie I think a pertanent part of our constant conversation). I introduced Margarita to some of Barbara Streisand's music, thinking Margarita should have heard her songs, just as she's heard the BeeJees and Billy Joel etc... I wanted Margarita to know a little about Barbara Streisand as a singer before seeing her act so... And I remembered that I would NEVER have told my middle-school peers that I like Barbara Streisand's music or face. Actually, I loved her face and her original nose... The same went for Barry Manilow... You've gotta love the "Copacabana", although I had no idea I would find myself living a good part of my life in Mexico only speaking Spanish. In fact, it is very difficult for me to speak English... It was much easier when I changed from English to Spanish speaking with my Mexican Federal Police friend, whose probably reading this as are you... Fortunately for him, he can also read what I just posted in Spanish... Good for me, I can read, write and speak both languages, although it is easier for me to speak Spanish than write it and write English than speak it...
But back to Claudia (Barbara Streisand) and her "craziness"... I loved the scene when Claudia's mother cries out, "I'm so sorry! I had no idea!" No she didn't. She was always too drunk... But, as you know, just because a family member or the family members didn't know what happened behind closed doors or when they weren't around, does NOT mean that those things did NOT occur...
At the moment I am having difficulty remembering what led up to the part of the conversation where I remembered the movie and wanted Margarita to see it... Something to do with feminist "theory" and why some feminists believe that female prostitution is the legal right of the woman... As Claudia explained to the Judge and others in the courtroom, "I knew women who married men they despised just to be able to have the Mercedes, house in the country, fir coats... I know women who crawled through shit just to..." The conversation was long. An earlier part of it explaining why it is the adults' (and parents) responsibility to talk with the children about sexuality (not in the form of Claudia's step dad) since they will find out about it possibly in ways or much earlier than what would be desired by the adults. But that wasn't really the beginning. Margarita had made a comment that sexual pleasure is most logical during the period when the two people are able to create babies and possibly when they are passed the procreation period, maybe it is understandable that they feel less...
It was a good conversation that led to our watching the very impacting movie... But, a poor recreation of the actual conversation is a slippery slope... When do children discover their "sexuality" or what can cause pleasure and how... who taught "little twin" about her "little dick" (her words at that age) when she was only 6-years-old and that had a horrible impact upon all of us... But, for some, it is "better" to ignore and forget. I have this horrible problem of not being able to forget as easily as others and the other problem that I can't ignore ANYTHING... I can walk on by... But, I can't truly close my eyes... I couldn't forget the tears... nor the screams... You've gotta love a good Dionne Warwick song...
Truthfully, I don't know why I was so impressed by "nuts" when I was so "young"... I guess I know now. Or maybe I always knew... I remembered other things today talking with Margarita in the Park... They were interesting discoveries. But, I don't remember them at this moment...
There are two or more people in a relationship. For that relationship to work, all of the members must truly respect and consider the needs, feelings, experiences and rights of the others... If it is a relationship between two people, both people must have their lines of communication open and respect the needs/desires and state of being at each and every moment of the other... All people deserve equal respect and equal consideration. No one is the property of another... And if we "mess-up" it is our responsibility to share our awareness and disappointment in ourselves with the other person. And not because that's what we think the other person wants. We have the responsibility to work towards harmony with the other person and try and understand the best we can why the other does not feel harmony with us.
Why? I don't know. Maybe I was too strongly impacted by what I saw in movies or read in novels or heard from the Rabbi who visited with us a few times every summer in camp... Maybe I was too sensitive to the messages between the lines meant for teaching "us" how to be better building blocks of a healthy, productive and harmonious society... Yes, it could all be part of a Utopian Dream or nightmare like Aldoux Huxley's "Brave New World"... Or was that book written when Huxley had come to "terms" with his dream of constructing "Utopia" and realized that it was organically impossible? Originating from Great Britain was the Utopia philosophical/cultural movement you find the writers Huxley and Orwell... But that seemingly gave way to the existential movement of Sartre, Camus, de Beauvoir and Moravia (although he was actually listed below humanism, but there are few differences, although some may say that humanism is intentional and existentialism unintentional)... Maybe with the second world war, the Utopian bubble was burst... and with the fascist occupation of France and Italy, existentialism was born...
But, what does this mean for those who were traumatized in supposedly safe environments? And what about those who live in safe environments intentionally created incredibly safe for others, but not for them, although they've been told that they have the right to what only the others receive? And what if you live in a world where you were never promised anything and in the name of something good or something bad, you were made to suffer horribly for super-extended periods of time, and without any form of explanation?
For the poor Catholics, "It's God's will" and something good in the future is only possible if it's "God willing"...
And what if around the age of 6 the girl or the boy began being sexually abused by bigger people (people we "should" trust... possibly people who "should" protect us) and the were confused, because it was a confusing "issue" or experience or situation... and maybe they said no one day and didn't say no another... and what if they liked the attention or confused it with "love" or they like the feeling... at the same time as not liking any of it? Claudia exclaimed that she NEVER said NO to her stepfather, as if she was to blame for his assault and violation of her...
What happens when the woman puts on a mini skirt and a low cut blouse and wears a push-up bra to eccentuate her breasts?
Why can most people accept a shirtless man and a woman in her "brazier" etc on the beach, but not on a sunny day in a park?
What happens or is happening? If the woman in the bikini top in the park or the mini-skirt in the club is assaulted or raped (or misunderstood by her date who couldn't control his excitement or desire and received an undesired response to his actions)...
Yes, all adults must consider all possible "responses" or "consequences" to their actions... and ask maybe why the would risk being in certain situations... Although assault is assault, violation is violation and there is only one truly guilty party... However, what happens to children, what is done to children is a whole different subject and has life long consequences for the innocent (the child is always innocent). The form the consequences take depends greatly upon many factors, that depend greatly upon the adults responsible for the health of the child...
They didn't create the film "Nuts" just for entertaining viewers or for creating mental masterbation for the intellectuals... or for displaying Barbara Streisand's acting skills.
It wasn't hypothetical...
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