Over 7 years ago in Acapulco a Middle-Class Mexican woman in her 50s told me that the soul can inhabit up to 10 bodies at a time... and that she had experience with "removing" spirits or souls (I'm not really certain if there is an actual difference) trying to occupy the body occupied by another spirit, such as your very own spirit... Sounds like exorcism, and maybe it is in forms, but not like exorcizing "the devil." My first reaction was that she was off her rocker... But, for some reason I never forgot what she said, how she said it... and have returned to the idea repeatedly... thinking about certain dreams. And back to that...
Was the dream the return to an experience of a past life? But, it really seems very modern and vivid... When we sleep, is it possible that we connect with the lives that our spirits are participating in other bodies at the same time? Or is it that our minds are so creative that they can invent Hollywoodlike films as dreams? Although I do believe that our brains or minds have much more potential than which we connect with in our normal life, I still doubt that we can create/invent such vivid "artificial" moments. Dreams are symbolic or metaphoric... They are psychological (subconscious) manifestations of our concerns or fears... or forms of our subconsciousness trying to manipulate us to change... Dreams occasionally are warnings or messages about what will occur later on or what we must change so that certain things don't occur or stop occuring... like premonitions...
Some people believe that time is just a human construct and that everything is occurring at the same time... so there are no past lives but concurrent lives... returning to what the Mexican woman said in Acapulco in 2007... That concept of non-lineal time (like "back to the future" in ways, although it still used lineal time) is a bit difficult to understand. Then again, humans, in as complex, sophistocated and scientific or intelligent as we are, have extreme difficulty understand the "abstract" like the metaphysical because we are extremely dependent upon a certain form of organization of understanding. Like relying upon the triad/trinity (Father-Son-Holy Ghost/Father, Mother, Child/Birth, Life, Death/Elderly, Adult, Infancy), devolutionized from the circle (womb, family, community, world). How did they pull triangle from circle? "The triangle is still a circle because it is closed..."
When woman was worshiped for her ability to create life from her body or propagate plant life from already existent plants, life and god/dess was represented as a circle... Then man became "jealous" and ruthlessly envious and the trinity was constructed... with the grand father of humans at the top of the pyramid... But, virtually without the presence of women... until the culmination with God giving birth to a son through "his" metaphoric penis... Ejaculating Jesus through the vulva of Mary into the "modern world" of Bethlehem... And when Abraham was going to sacrifice his son (Isaac?), why didn't Sarah have a word in the decision? And Moses... who was his mother? Didn't he just appear floating in a stream? And wasn't this similar to another biblical story about saving the son by sending him floating down the river? But, the river could be metaphoral symbolizing embrionic fluid... We're so creative, aren't we?
Most of my paintings are female centered intensely looking back at you... some are pregnant. I have a crucified pregnant woman in one of them... None of my paintings are intentional... I wonder why they are so female oriented... And have repeatedly wondered about what that means about me... why I worry about "universal" sexism and the repercussions for the world... Sexism is the turning everything on its head or upside down... meaning that from the "beginning of time" or the beginning of the super-sexist era when the idea was invented that the man is the constructor and the protector of all that is truly important to humans, and the woman is just there to support "all the great men"... to care for their (his) children and care after his home and to make sure that his dinner is ready and his clothes ironed or taken and brought back from the cleaners and as a suppliment income to his income and an ear lent for listening to his complaints or his fantasies or his projects etc...
since that evolution in our socio-political-"spiritual" constructs, we can only fail and deconstruct/ruin what was once true health... The fall from grace or the removal from Eden of Adam and Eve is the starting point. The biting of the apple and the snake didn't occur within the garden. It occurred outside. "God" didn't vanquish them from the garden. They got bored or curious and left... The snake more likely was in the mind of Adam and he offered a poisoned apple to Eve in the attempt towards robbing her of her uniqueness and vitality... A form of Vampire attempting towards robbing the health or vitality of the vital, sane and healthy... And that's the life we live... teaching the sons that their mothers are less important than are they... teaching the daughters that they will always be less than their brothers... teaching the daughters that the are at service to the men... a certain sexual exchange... they must give sons to their men in order to carry on the "family name"... the last name of the man... The woman gets erased... Granted, the man must offer something to the woman... and all modern religions teach against materialism. But, for some reason, they don't teach their people how to remove materialism from the equation... The women and men and children cease being objects of value with an actual exchange rate...
No, it doesn't really matter if the boy was a woman in a past life... It shouldn't matter. It doesn't really matter that genetically we are half man/half woman and no one has explained the moment when the fetus "decided" to be one and not the other... How did that happen? What is important is that we challenge certain constructs and perceptions in order to try and return to the true truth and not just what we've been conditioned to believe is the truth... And, maybe these are ideas I've developed over the past so many decades. Or maybe this is information given to me by the spirits that supposedly guide me or surround me or this is information stored from so many past lives... Who knows. At the very least, it was nice of Sherilynn Lewis-Mahoney to invite me to your page and also nice to see that someone from Somerville High School is interested in something "para-ordinary". "You" caught me directly after my first coffee of the day before I had actually begun doing something "constructive". Thanks for the inspiration!
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