First we focussed upon the issue of simple carbs in the diet and their affect upon Metabolic Disorders and Heart Disease verses normal fat diets and saturated fat on human health. Then we focussed on Gluten and Wheat products and their relationship with inflamation, digestive disorders, malabsorption and auto-immune diseases... As if that wasn't enough, now we encounter that the movement against saturated fat in the diet that promoted the use of liquid vegetable cooking oils and particially hydrogenated vegetable oils otherwise known as Trans Fats (Vegetable Lard: Crisco, Margarine, "I Can't Believe it's not Butter!") etc that created an incredible worldwide buying-kitchen cultural and dietary change, was horribly misleading. Remember the movement against McDonalds and other fastfood chains to remove lard from their fryers and replace it with vegetable oil? Remember when "they" told you that Coconut Oil was the most dangerous non-animal oil on the planet?
What's happening? What will happen with our buying styles, kitchen pantries, cooking styles, eating styles, eating out styles? Probably nothing, since certainly most people will ignore their health and health concerns and discomfort etc until it is too late. But, truthfully; With all of this information, what must a person do in order to truly live healthfully and comfortably? How much time must a person dedicate to researching diet and marketplace influence and related health consequences for being able to understand truly what is going on, especially within their body?
Let's say you are an intelligent, concerned and conscientious person who worries about your diet and health. Yesterday you were convinced that Butter and Bacon and not so lean beef etc caused heart attacks. Today, you learn that saturated fats have been declared innocent of homicide by arteriosclerosis. Will you comfortably increase your animal fat intake? Or will you continue worrying about that future heart attack brought upon by your newfound dietary disprotection? I remember when Canola Oil was considered the second healthiest cooking oil after Olive Oil. Here in Mexico I started buying it instead of the traditional vegetable oils. Some of the Canola Oils sold here have a heart printed on their labels and some even include "High in Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9"... All Mexican baked goods are prepared with Vegetable Lard, not so much because of health claims, but because vegetable lard is much less expensive than butter, especially after 2006 when the cost of Butter went up 300%, one of the wonderful reasons I left the baking industry (FYI: the only recipe of mine that used vegetable oil was my carrot cake. 99% of what I baked was prepared with butter and whole milk cream...) After the price of butter rose, so did the price of vegetable oils (doubling in the same period of time).
So, what can you do? You must remove all simple carbs, alcohol, vegetable oils (not including Olive Oil or Coconut Oil) in order to protect your health, which means that you must drastically change your diet and reconsider your "traditions" and your cravings... which also may mean that you must change your circle of friends, especially since now you've become a wet towel, a raining on their parade... a true bore... although you will feel much better, spend much less money on energy drinks, suppliments, anti-depressants, anti-inflamatories, doctors appointments and greatly decrease your risk of chronic illness, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, heart disease and cancer... The Omega Balance: Getting Smart about Inflammation - Health & Science - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
On the edge of the Texas-Tamaulipas border, where the buzzards float overhead awaiting dehydrated Mexican seekers of the "American Dream" take their last step in the desert, I came to a deep ravine. I placed my back to the dark abyss and let myself fall backwards... into Mexico. Almost 3 years after the creation of "Dead Man Walking; Alive in Mexico (June 2011) I realize that I am very alive...
Pico de Orizaba

Taken from Huatusco, Veracruz, the closest town to Margarita's family's ranch.
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