The NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) of the NIH (National Institute of Health) published in 2011 that as of the year 2000 18-year-olds in the United States could expect a diabetes rate of 33% for men and 39% for women and that since 1980, diabetes in the U.S. has increased 300%. The Internation Diabetes Federation has diabetes #s per country and the WHO (World Health Organization) has all of the stats (especially important is the percentage rate). However, the difference between the NIH and the other two organizations, the NIH focusses upon the age group of 20-70 and the other two organizations focus upon complete populations which distort the numbers. Let's say that what truly concerns us is Diabetes II and not Diabetes I that finds its stats in the 0-14 years age group and has has nothing to do with diet (although, yes it affects greatly the child's diet as contrasted with our diet affecting the onset or lack there of Diabetes...) Who has the percentages for the U.S. at 10% and for Mexico at 11%. But that's including all age groups. The NIH has the rate at 33%, which should worry you, especially concerning the fact that the rate must have been around 11% 30 years earlier... So, what will be the rate in 2031? If I play my cards right or am lucky, I will be 62-years-old then. The mortality rates caused by diabetes increase greatly in the decade of our 40s and continue the same in our 50s, 60s and 70s... I'm not saying that I was diagnosed with diabetes. And considering the fact that normally you are diabetic 5-10 years before being diagnosed, one should maintain alertness. It is not difficult to fall into the 1 of 3 position... Plus, it is your decision or proactiveness that can greatly prevent your falling into that space... Now, what happens if the rate slips towards 50% in the time you are approaching your 50s or 60s? That means that you may find yourself walking a very thin line or maybe you will be one of us who believe yourself to be one of the rare truly healthy people in the world. But what does that truly mean? Just to put things in a strange perspective: The countries with the highest rates of diabetes are in Africa and the Middle East. Why? Some has to do with poverty. It is well known that sugar consumption is used for temporarilly relieving pain and depression... In Isabel Allende's book "Retrato en Sepia/Sepia Colored Portrait", one of the main characters, a wealthy woman from Chile who made her fortune in San Francisco during the Gold Rush told her lawyer nephew to invest in sugar cane since Chile was entering into the war for Salt Peter "Salitre" with Peru and Bolivia. Her nephew thought she was crazy and she explained to him something that really peaked my interest since I noticed that Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico and Mexicans in Mexico consume much more sweets than "Americans": "People consume much more sugar when they are under stress"...
According to WHO the # 1 cause of death worldwide is by Heart Attack caused by narrowed arteries. In Mexico Diabetes is the #2 cause of death after heart attack, which runs a narrow first. Mexico is #6 in the world in death by Diabetes... In the U.S. the #1 cause of death is Coronary Heart Disease. However, the U.S. ranks #135 in this category. Diabetes is the 7th cause of death in the U.S. behind Breast Cancer, Lung Disease, Alzheimers Disease, Stroke and Lung Cancer. The U.S. is #3 in the world in Alzheimers, and #9 in the world in Lung Cancer and Parkinson's Disease.
Now getting into the "nitty gritty" thanks to NIH: A study done in the U.S. between 2000-2004 shows that the risk of developing Diabetes Mellitis in the lifetime of an 18-year-old in that year for Women was 12% for underweight/normal weight, 31% for overweight and 66% for Obese and for Men was 16% underweight/normal weight, 27% for overweight and 63% for Obese... .
According to WHO the # 1 cause of death worldwide is by Heart Attack caused by narrowed arteries. In Mexico Diabetes is the #2 cause of death after heart attack, which runs a narrow first. Mexico is #6 in the world in death by Diabetes... In the U.S. the #1 cause of death is Coronary Heart Disease. However, the U.S. ranks #135 in this category. Diabetes is the 7th cause of death in the U.S. behind Breast Cancer, Lung Disease, Alzheimers Disease, Stroke and Lung Cancer. The U.S. is #3 in the world in Alzheimers, and #9 in the world in Lung Cancer and Parkinson's Disease.
Now getting into the "nitty gritty" thanks to NIH: A study done in the U.S. between 2000-2004 shows that the risk of developing Diabetes Mellitis in the lifetime of an 18-year-old in that year for Women was 12% for underweight/normal weight, 31% for overweight and 66% for Obese and for Men was 16% underweight/normal weight, 27% for overweight and 63% for Obese... .
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