De regreso a Nueva York... en los 40s, 50s, 60s... aunque estuve aya en los 90s... y hasta poco después de 9/11... sí estuve ahi... alli... aya... YA... pero, esta vez con "sobre me cabeza" escrito por James Baldwin... y que tan complejo, complicado, stratificado... bifurcado...
...entre en sueño... anoche... preparando una obra de teatro, de performance arte para niños... lo organize con Michelle Farbman y contigo... Milo... Pero, por una razón u otra, no aparecieron uds en las reuniones... aunque continuó marchando adelante... ¿donde estaban uds? y ¿por qué estuve yo en el teatro...? Sí, escribiendo el reparto... pero, también actuando... Tenías que hacer el diseño del vestuario... Milo... ibamos ser como títeres gigantes... humanos... diseñado por tu... pero, nunca apareciste... y ¿donde estaba Michelle? Y ¿yo? un cambio de carera que solo puede ocurrir en los sueños... pero cambio "carera" Michelle... y no fue en un sueño... sí cambié de carera yo... hace muchos años... y ahora mi mejor forma de escribir es en españglish... aunque, en esto momento, estoy recargandome en Español...
Fuimos... ¿con quien estuve? ¿cuantas personas con nosotros en la preparación de la obra?... fuimos... fui ¿con quien? hacia Argentina... caminando... a la facultad de teatro... para seguir trabajando en el reparto... en el "guion"... en la estructura... y yo considerando como iba yo actuar... y ¿donde estaban uds?
Sí Milo, estoy pintando otra vez... y como me gustaría escribir como escribo en mi mente... tantas palabras tiraras... como tiramos urina en el inodoro... como tiramos esperma en el suelo masterbando... y no lo hago por años... años... parece...
Todavía pienso en mezclar palabras con pintura... pero, no sale... vasectomía no intencional... existe la intención, aunque no fue mía... y ahora no sale nada... NADA...
And I walked through another exhibition of art last night... here in Guadalajara... and I could exclaim "¡sin verguenzas!" Yes, I could... not a dream... too bad... aunque iba ser una pesadilla... ¿have I ever seen an exhibition of art here that wasn't like staring at vomit on the sidewalk outside the clubs early Sunday morning... before they clean the streets...? But, for some reason, no one believe that we should clean the salon walls of what the "artists" vomitted...
And, yes, you could ask me who am I to criticize... No, I'm no one... I just go into these exhibitions feeling, sensing... and if they are fortunate, I sense vomit... could vomit be better than garbage...? Yes, this is me...
To every critic qualified for assessing art and obras... there are thousands of everyone else... who keep quiet or make "unqualified" remarks... who react inwardly or express their reaction outwardly... but they still react...
Remember Birdman? Remember the critic? Remember the problem, the conflict, the issue, the preocupation...?
In the box office, what truly matters is that the thousands of unqualifieds leave the cinema smiling or crying... and recommend the movie to other thousands of unqualifieds...
And over the years, how many people have raved about the difference of my paintings... although I KNOW I sufficiently qualified to know that their reaction does not mean that I can sell a piece... Does not signify putting aside my new "career" and my relationship with Margarita for risking it all, living for showing my paintings and dedicating my life to paying with paintings... if I could sell one...
But what if this unqualified sold his paintings...? A constant question...
And back to the dream... What was I doing writing a play, although for children... performance art, within which I was acting... when I've never been an actor or a playwrite...? And why were Michelle and Milo there, although without camios? Yet...
No, I don't spend my days thinking about you...
Milo, yes, I have responded to your current dilemma, current situation... many times... in my head... considering writing you personally... but always immersed in another inspiration... Forced writings never come out correctly... so, I've waited... for the correct moment... although imagining your disappointment, at how little I've responded... although, you can't know just how much I've responded within...
Milo, yes, I have responded to your current dilemma, current situation... many times... in my head... considering writing you personally... but always immersed in another inspiration... Forced writings never come out correctly... so, I've waited... for the correct moment... although imagining your disappointment, at how little I've responded... although, you can't know just how much I've responded within...
what I think about she in Boston... in-love with you... easy to be... for different reasons, especially considering the convenience of being in-love at a distance... never truly wishing for leaving her cage... her situation... what if...? The what ifs... so, as long as you are profoundly attached from a distance, you will always be hope... from a distance... why relinquish that hope? It's certainly better living miserably with hope than relinquishing that misery and not having hope... I'm not talking clearly... the what ifs... "What if life with Milo isn't what I thought? And now I lost my negative reality AND my fantasy"...
so... better living in dreams of an unplanned theater project with my former Brooklyn friends Milo and Michelle, born a day apart... ¿coincidencia? and they never truly appear in the dream... And why have the damn dream? What does it mean? And better to write in espanglish than in English, since that is the truth of only my life... only my life... just mine... not yours... not anyone else here with me... without me... there...
Nice dream... nice piece of writing... at least for me... nice enough to share with you... although you won't understand the half of it... and translation will not understand espanglish...
later continuation... a continuar...
later continuation... a continuar...
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