Imagine this:
1: those writing about the effects of the dramatic increase of refined carbs in the "American" diet, write about the epidemic of Alzheimers Disease that's appearing or about to appear and how that will totally deplete the American Social Security system...
2: those writing about the effects of psychotropic medication (and the hundreds if not thousands of psychiatrists around the world) on the physiological structure of the human brain, mention greatly how anti-depressants and anti-psychotics cause dementia praecox in their patients... and how many Americans are currently taking anti-depressants and anti-psychotics and benzodiazepines...
But one group doesn't write about the percentage of Americans taking psychotropic medication and the effect upon the body (especially the brain) and upon the social security system. And the other group doesn't write about the extremely elevated consumption of refined carbs in the same period of 40 years mentioned about the dramatic rise of Americans on disability for mental illness. And I am amazed that no one has made the connection... Robert Whitaker mentions the birth of modern Bi-Polar disorder in the 90s (although I knew of it in the 80s... in Carrier) and he mentions briefly the connection with "illicit" drugs (The U.S. is the world leader in purchase of and consumption of Cocaine, Heroin, Meta-Amphetamines, Marijuana) before focussing greatly on the SSRI cause-effect of that birth... And, he believes that Bi-Polarity is greatly a misdiagnosis and a trajedy caused by prescribing SSRIs. But, I am incredibly surprised that he (and the rest of the international psychiatrists) wouldn't connect the vastly elevated consumption of refined carbs during the same period with the misdiagnosis of bi-polarity, since high glucose levels or hyperglycemia causes the same bi-polar symptoms...
And then you have the neuro-scientists who claim that wheat gluten in the genetically modified wheat products invented in Mexico after WWII are to blame for alzheimers and other neuronal changes in the human brain... Although one can say, "how do you know if it was caused by one or the other or by a combination of the 4?", one can show that the drastic changes in human health (the various "epidemics" of modern chronic disease) occured at the exact same time period as the modern technological/commercial changes related to pharmocology, agriculture and food marketing/food preparation--design...
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