When a person has been diagnosed with asthma and throughout their life they exhibit allergic reactions to many different foodborne and airborne "particals" much different from the general population (or from those sharing the same space as them or from their family members) it is due to a genetic difference...
That genetic difference can be called histadelia or undermethylation... What this means is that the person lacks sufficient enzymes for metabolizing the amino acid (protein) histamine and/or ridding excess histamine from their body (and why they are given anti-histamines)... Histamines come from food and they are produced by certain white blood cells in the body...
Undermethylation is when the person has a problem with metabolizing the amino acid Methionine... which means that they have low levels of Methionine in their body. The problem with this is that Methionine is necessary for transforming Homocysteine (bad) to cystine (good)... The problem with having too much homocysteine in your blood is that it leads to different forms of vascular dementia (such as Alzheimers). Most cardiologists connect high homocysteine levels to Coronary Heart Disease, although truthfully, it hasn't been proven as a cause or a response (symptom)...
Another problem with low levels of Methionine is that they tend towards being accompanied by low levels of the amino acid (and the body's #1 anti-oxidant) glutathione... Gallstones and the inflamed gallbladder are linked to low levels of glutathione. Glutathione is necessary for cleaning the arteries... When there is adequate methylation in the body and there is adequate glutathione, that means that there is adequate Sulfur... It's all part of the methyl cycle. Sulfur with glutathione is the glue that the oxidized LDL cholesterol and the heavy metals that form the arterial plaques stick to and are transported out of the body through the urine or within the bile salts... Remember, the main cause of Alzheimers Disease is the heavy metal Mercury... If you look into Liver Disease, you will also find that the Liver wasn't able to rid itself of the heavy metals...
One more thing, when the immune system is over-taxed due to allergic reactions, which causes a ton of stress... It also causes chronic inflamation. Chronic inflamation is what is blamed for Heart Disease, Cancer and Alzheimers Disease... Pulmonary diseases, Arthritis and Neurological Diseases such as Parkinson's and Peripheral Neuropathy.
Now, we know that I have a great genetic difference that is very rare in the U.S. called Familiar Adenomatous Polyposis/Gardners Syndrome... So, it really isn't a foreign idea that I may have a genetic mutation etc... We also know that I have Asthma and a whole bunch of allergies... Cat and Dog Dander, mold spores, grass pollen, tree pollen (Bambu, Pine), Certain Mollusks (long necked clams), Penicillin, Soy, Wheat, Sulfites, Pork... Meaning what?
That I have a problem metabolizing certain amino acids (proteins) such as Histamines, Methionine and Glutathione... Glutathione is necessary for preventing gallbladder disease just as it is necessary for preventing atherosclerosis (and future heart attacks)... I've had both...
So, what I'm testing for is exactly what is (are) the genetic malfunction so we can no how to approach it (with what diet/supplement plan I must approach) and for preventing future disease connected with these enzyme difficiencies that lead to amino acid deficiencies that lead to uncontrolled chronic inflamation... And, it may very well be connected with FAP/Gardners.
One more thing: In "Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, sixth edition" by Gropper and Smith, colorectal cancer is connected with the lack of folate caused by undermethylation... If this doesn't strike a key with you, remember why women planning on becoming pregnant are told to greatly increase their folate intake 6 months prior... And continue that intake throughout the pregnancy. Why? Because low levels of folate are directly related to neural tube defects...
And this is why the nutritionists and the Doctors practicing alternative medicine are increasingly saying, "Humans are not born with pharmacological deficiencies. They are born with nutrititional deficiencies." You don't prevent an illness with pharmaceuticals. You prevent it with the nutrients required for developing and maintaining a healthy body. However, if a child is born with a genetic defect (like FAP/Gardners Syndrome) or if that child experience what the scientists/epigeneticists are calling "Environmental Insults" and they experience a gene mutation because of that, we must know as early as possible so that we can address the problem...
"Environmental Insults" are also called "Childhood Misfortune"...
Death of the Father
Female Headed Family
Economic Hardship
"Chaotic/Difficult Household"
Child Abuse (Physical, Mental, Sexual, Neglect)
Violence in the Neighborhood (Bullying)
Illness (Major Surgery)
That's why I'm asking for the genetic reading. I wish it wasn't so difficult for you to understand this. Do you have any idea how much energy I've placed into not only understanding what happened on the 12 of March in order to prevent a horrible accident, since undermethylation and low glutathione increases the risk of problems with certain pharmaceuticals... (The Beta Blocker lowered my HDL cholesterol and shot my triglycerides to the roof in just 2 weeks... And this is scientifically documented)... but in trying to explain this stuff to you in more ways than one in order for you to understand and accept... understand and accept... understand and accept... so that I can finally relax with you... and my health. Remember, the key word is "my". "My" didn't exist when I was a child... I didn't have rights... or those rights were either ignored or violated... and, by the way you respond to what I write that the only real trauma I experienced as a child was the loss of my father, you continue displaying your blatant need to invalidate what I say (and what Seth said) was my experience or were the Environmental Insults I experienced...
I check my blood pressure everytime I get off the computer with you... and it is always 10-15-20 points higher... 125-130/85-90... And each time it takes a little more time for it to return to normal. Fortunately/unfortunately I leave for Aguascalientes in 4 days and will not have access to internet... so I won't have to worry about this constant battle for your understanding and acknowledgement... And, call me the fool or the idiot for continuously returning to the same conversation with you when you have repeatedly responded the same antagonistic way since I started confronting you with questions and exclamations in late adolescence during high school... Remember those evenings alongside your bed trying to talk to you? And, yes, they turned into frustration tantrums... And, yes, there were those calmer evenings sitting in the family room when you told me about your pushing me away due to fear of turning our relationship into one you knew of in childhood between an aunt and a cousin (her son)... and when you talked to me about Sheri being so horribly jealous of me when I was born that she would pinche me in the crib so I would cry and what she did (had Beth and I do) to that babysitter... But, later on you would deny having ever said any of that... And do you deny what Seth insisted about what his father did to me when Dad was dying in Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York? But, why don't you acknowledge this stuff? And why the need to ignorar what I said about the kids and the teachers did to me in Old York School? And it was during one of those calm evening talks in the family room where you asked me, "Ross, isn't it possible that there was something about you that brought on that behavior towards you by your peers?" Will you deny that too? Isn't it possible that all that I've shared with you about my health and the science etc and what the doctors say about my knowledge and about the diet I constructed is proof that my memory isn't the problem here?
How much more must I dig up from the past and from the scientific literature before you finally admit that I have a great point?
On the edge of the Texas-Tamaulipas border, where the buzzards float overhead awaiting dehydrated Mexican seekers of the "American Dream" take their last step in the desert, I came to a deep ravine. I placed my back to the dark abyss and let myself fall backwards... into Mexico. Almost 3 years after the creation of "Dead Man Walking; Alive in Mexico (June 2011) I realize that I am very alive...
Pico de Orizaba

Taken from Huatusco, Veracruz, the closest town to Margarita's family's ranch.
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