As you know, for some reason I decided upon investigating alternative routes for healing myself and subsequently removed the gallstones from my gallbladder without removing another organ from my body. I also cured myself of gastritis. Today, my abdomin feels totally tranquil.
That said...
Today I went for my first upper endoscopy in 8.5 years. I was greatly surprised that they would put me under, since the other two endoscopies were performed with me awake and feeling the movement and some discomfort. Hence, I've been feeling pretty bad all day due to the anaesthesia...
The doctor found polyps in my duodenum and took two biopsies. We will meet with him on Monday for going over the results. What he didn't find were ulcers in my stomach. I didn't have the presence of mind for asking about the hiatal hernia.
What does all of this mean?
It's too early to say.
Last week Margarita went to the doctor and found that, if she lived in the U.S., she would fall into the group of more than 50% of American women with fibrocystic breasts... The doctor called it "Fibrocystic Breast Disease"... and talked about an extensive diet for reducing the risk of increased inflamation, fibrosis and breast cancer... I informed her that the Mayo Clinic claims that first, fibrocystic breasts isn't a disease, second, there is no increased of breast cancer with fibrocystic breasts and third, they only mention the possible need for decreasing the consumption of caffeine and fats if the woman feels too much discomfort and wishes for decreasing the inflamation. I asked the doctor if she knew of the Mayo Clinic, and she pointed to two very large books published in Spanish by them... on a very small bookshelf... So, my conclusion is that Margarita's doctor is using outdated information. That same night of the meeting with Margarita's doctor I went back onto the internet to check on why she would tell Margarita not to eat sunflower seeds since they are the number 1 source for Vitamin E and the doctor's recommendation is taking Vitamin E suppliments (in Mexico there is no guarantee that the suppliments you buy actually have what they say is in the bottle; Mexico is a dumping ground for what doesn't or can't be sold in 1st world countries). Half the "experts" claim that seeds and nuts and other foods of plant origins are bad for women with fibrocystic breasts due to certain estrogen-like plant hormones. This includes coffee, chocolate, tea... and much much more. The argument is that the human body reacts to the plant estrogen as its very own, causing the system to respond as if the woman has produced more estrogen. However, the main advocate of this restrictive preventative diet claims that there is one exception: Flaxseeds. While flaxseeds also have an estrogen-like hormone, the numbers are low enough for it to actually be helpful. But, addititional is additional. If the woman's fibrocystic breast issue was related to too much estrogen being produced by her, then even just a little more should be bad. Margarita's hormone levels are normal. So, what does this mean about her fibrocystic breasts? But, back to the flaxseeds: Studies were shown that women diagnosed with breast cancer who consumed a certain amount of flaxseeds revealed a dramatic decrease in tumor size between the diagnosis and the mastectomy.
Udo Erasmus explains in his extremely indepth book, "Fats that Heal; Fats that Kill", that flaxseed oil is very effective as an anti-inflamatory. It's not so much flaxseed as it is Omega 3 fatty acid that you need for producing HDL cholesterol. The "Paleos" argue that vegetable derived Omega 3 is very difficult for converting to HDL in the human body. I looked into that last June and realized that they had a point... The process is more complex than eating Salmon, Mackerel or Trout, since that Omega 3 is converted directly and completely... However, each fish is different (King Mackerel should be avoided, Pacific or Chub Mackerel has more or less Omega 3 than Atlantic or Spanish Mackerel, and farm-raised salmon, which is basically what is on the market, has less Omega 3 because they are being fed non-ocean based feed usually prepared with grains such as soy beans and not with plankton and other vegetable sources high in Omega 3; The Washington State Department of Health mentions that the manufacturers of Omega 3 suppliments are widely turning from fish origins of the fatty acid to plant origins... meaning that you will find yourself in the same predicament as you would have been using Flaxseed oil.)
In June, I created an equation for being able to receive from ground flaxseeds the equivalent HDL converted Omega 3 as is being recommended with fish origins and concluded that one must ingest minimally 5 tbs of ground flaxseeds per day. That person must also maintain an adequate intake of Vitamins E, C, B3 and B6 along with the minerals Zinc and Magnesium. Not a bad idea considering the importance of these nutrients for other health related issues, especially with the immune system. Magnesium is necessary for the production of Vitamin D in the Kidneys, which is necessary for a healthy immune system, prevention of cancer along with mantenance of a healthy blood pressure among many other things... So, it's not such a bad idea making one aspect of your diet a little more complicated...
Since June we've been fluctuating between ingesting ground flaxseeds and eating Pacific Mackerel. During that period my HDL cholesterol soared. But, that increase could also be attributed to running over 5 hours or 25 miles per week... During the intense work of October, not only did I stop running, but I didn't have time to go to the fish market and I stopped ingesting ground flaxseeds. Sometime during September I noticed a bump on my wrist that increased greatly during October. It turns out that I have a harmless synovial cyst. When I read about Flaxseed oil for Fibrocystic Breasts and Breast cancer, Margarita and I immediately returned to ingesting ground flaxseeds. In less than 4 days injesting Flaxseeds, we were surprised to notice that the Synovial Cyst on my wrist decreased at least 50%. Udo Erasmus claims that flaxseed oil not only is anti-inflamatory but it causes the tissues to release excess water... He mentions a woman who lost 80 pound ingesting 5 tbls pure flaxseed oil. I don't know if he explains during what time period.
When we were with Margarita's breast specialist doctor, I asked her how "they" know exactly what it is that causes inflamation or disinflamation and how they isolate one thing from another. On her list of restrictions is fatty-food and general fat sources... along with cola-sodas (not Sprite, Slice, Fanta etc) almonds etc. But, what is not on her list is sugary products. I asked her to specify what types of fat, because that is important and not all fats cause inflamation... And I mentioned the connection between Diabetes and Breast Cancer; she acknowledged the 3 fold increase in breast cancer among diabetic women. But, why doesn't she mention restricting sugar intake in non-breast cancerous/non-diabetic women? If I am correct, the diagnosis of Type II diabetes generally occurs in the person's late forties, although the "experts" claim that the person is diabetic up to 10 years before being diagnosed. So, one should think that greatly decreasing the woman's sugar and refined carbs intake well before being diagnosed with diabetes and/or breast cancer would be in order.
As I believe you know, my Vitamin D is dropping as is the angle of the sun and my outdoor exercise intensity since September. And I've entered into some research into alternative ways of increasing Vitamin D and what issues develop with Vitamin D deficiencies... Along with this, I've been reading some about Vitamin A and Omega 3. What I've found is that along with Vitamin E and Vitamin C, deficiencies of one or more mimic deficiencies of others... And many of these nutrients are inter-related. During my readings over the past 9+ months I've also noticed that glucose competes with Vitamin C for absorption and has been connected with inflamation. Like Vitamin D, Vitamin C deficiency has been linked to hypertension and heart disease... Imbalances in Omega 6 from too much commercial vegetable oils in the diet blocks the affects of Omega 3, leading to inflamation, heart disease and Alzheimers Disease... And in order to convert plant-based Omega 3 to HDL cholesterol you must have sufficient levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Magnesium (and Zinc, B3 and B6). Have I lost you or are you understanding my point?
Exercise is wonderful. But, studies have shown that excess causes a drain on the immune system; that running more than 1 hour per day or more than 1 marathon per month puts the runner at great risk of heart failure... Why would excess exercise cause a drain on the immune system? Maybe it causes excess usage of essential stored nutrient (those stored in fat cells) or the flushing out of water soluable nutrients and the athletes aren't compensating for their losses because no one thought about those issues...
And I'm wondering if the doctors aren't considering the relationship between excess refined carb consumption and the developement of triglycerides (fat) and chronic inflamation. Maybe coffee and almonds and other seeds (plant hormones) and non-industrial fats have nothing to do with fibrocystic breasts.
But what does this have to do with my Duodenum and the upper endoscopy?
Surgery (removal of polyps) and prescription anti-inflamatories will be recommended. The doctor also mentioned repeatedly my high blood pressure and cardiology... During the summer, my BP was normal... when we were subject to a lot of direct sunlight and we were excersizing 1.5 hours per day (the run was between 1 and 1.2 hours) before my vitamin D began dropping... Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin D and Omega 3 amongst other nutrients such as Selenium are anti-Inflamatories...
Quick fixes aren't required. What is required is increased education and consciousness.
10 years ago a doctor in Xalapa told me that I would have a massive heart attack within 3-5 years. I sent the data to my Uncle Henry in NYC who responded that he didn't see predictors of a massive heart attack. And here I am...
Margarita doesn't have elevated levels of hormones, nor does she have a history of breast cancer in her family... Since 2009 she experiences reactions to dairy and wheat products. But, those reactions aren't felt in he breasts but in her articulations, mainly below her hips. Not one doctor diagnosed her. In all of my reading back then I suggested that it was related to rheumatoid arthritis that hadn't developed enough to be diagnosable...
"You are diabetic up to 10 years before you are diagnosed..."
I have the gene for FAP/Gardners Syndrome. I have never developed cancer.... because they removed my colon well before I would have developed cancer of the colon. However, we know that FAP or Gardners means that other rare cancers can pop up... Cancer of the Bile duct, Adrenal Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, brain, stomach, thyroid, duodenal... 4% of FAP/Gardner's people develop cancer of the Duodenum. 25% of FAP/Gardner's diagnosed with polyps in the Duodenum develop cancer there... I'm 45-years-old. If I'm correct, I was diagnosed with polyps in my small intestine in 2001. However, for some strange reason the GastroEnterologist decided to wait until I was having my J-Pouch connected 3 months after the original surgery to suggest, while I was in the hospital, staying a few days more so that he could remove those polyps. I informed him that I had no money or insurance and he left my room... It is 13 years later. The gastroenterologist in Xalapa 9 years ago didn't mention polyps in my small intestine. Maybe they come and go...? Maybe he missed something. Maybe the Gastroenterologist in New York City was up to some dirty tricks for making easy money. And how did he know I was in that hospital during that short date? And why weren't we informed of that need months earlier?
If you were a doctor, what would you job be?
Would it be your job to adequately inform your patient?
If you were God, what would your job be?
Well, regarding issues of life and death, one of your responsibilities would be to have everyone die at some point in their lives...
I'm alive. My responsibility is to live as well as possible while I have that capacity. Maybe no one truly knows how one becomes fataly ill and how to truly prevent that illness. Why did Beth develop thyroid cancer and I didn't? But will I? Only 1 in 4 people with polyps in their duodenum will develop cancer there. Why? or Why not? Flaxseed Oil has been shown to decrease greatly tumors. Vitamin D deficiency has been related to more illnesses than you can imagine. However, aside from supplementing adequately in 1st World nations, how do people who do not work in the sun prevent themselves from becoming deficient, especially if there exist almost NO natural food sources for Vitamin D. And most people in the pre-modern world did NOT eat Mackerel or Red Snapper... And it seems to me that fresh cheese (not aged or processed) and hen's eggs don't offer you the amount of vitamin D that the experts recommend: 2,000-5,000 IUs per day or 39-99 eggs or 13-39 cups of cheese... So, it seems to me that based upon all of this information, we as people should be experience the horrible facets of Vitamin D deficiency for well beyond the time we've been working in offices, factories and comercial outlets. And, if you worked on the farm, you worked covered up with a wide-brim hat, long pants and long sleeves. If you wore short sleeves, you still didn't have enough of your body uncovered to generate enough Vitamin D. The 200 year old styles of the Amish and the Hassidim was the clothing style of everyone 200 years ago. Because people didn't bathe regularly (especially in the cities), they covered up their stench with clothing, especially if they couldn't afford the expensive perfumes... Vitamin D deficiency couldn't be a new issue. It's a new diagnosis... and "we're" still eating fortified commercial food products... if not more...
It must be something else.
Something is blocking the absorption, or competing for the absorption or causing the filtering out of our bodies of our essential nutrients or... something is causing us to need more and more and more of those nutrients than ever...
But, if the doctors are seemingly blatantly foolish... and the scientists only investigate what is paid for... Who has the money and the interest for bankrolling the investigation?
In Mexico, there aren't FAP/Gardners/J-Pouch specialists... Does the syndrome not exist here?
Mexico is #1 in the world in obesity and way up there in diabetes and sugar consumption. It is home to the #1 international bakery, and the #1 consumer of Coca Cola products in the world... But, NO ONE talks about drastically decreasing refined carbohydrate intake here and no one connects sugar with the top illness here... Are the doctors so ignorant? Or is it something else...?
Money... only some people make a ton of it. Meaning, for those people it is just a bit more important than for others... Or they understand who to make it more than others... Or they were born into permissions more than others...
Death... It is an equal opportunity employer and doesn't discriminate... Actually, money helps greatly to prolong life. So, the tragedy that someone died 5 or 10 years earlier is that that person didn't have the same amount of money to purchase higher quality doctors, technology, medicine or suppliments than those who lived 5-10 years longer... 5-10? I've lived 11 years longer than my father... It has nothing to do with money, but access... Had I been born in Margarita's family's ranch...? I wouldn't have had the advantage... But, this has to do with both access and money...
What's my point?
There's so much we have within our hands for prolonging our health or prevent illness... Part of having within our hands is the capacity to investigate and place 1+1= and analyze the information offered us and respond confidently to the doctors who wish to impress us with their importance and put them in perspective... If we have money, we must decide what is the best thing to do with it. The same goes for if we have a mind...
And then there is a point where we must accept our limitations = 1 + the limitations of the doctors, medicine, science, technology or access to information (the other 1) and understand that one day we end. Are we prepared for that?
And that end involves others...
... many things to consider...
such as investing in expanding the business
... or buying a house or land...
or going on far away vacations for long periods of time... and being able to say we went there before we died...
... or not coming to a conclusion and not doing anything with what we are able to save...
Or saving for eventual surgeries or chemotherapy that does NOT prevent imminent death... or improve quality of life... maybe it prolongs our lives another 6 months...
But, what if one of those polyps never becomes malignant? And what if Margarita doesn't develop breast cancer? The first supposedly is within my cards... but only 1-4 or 25%... The second isn't in Margarita's cards... supposedly. But, how do you know these things?
There are things you basically know, such as what I've read about sugar or what we've experienced removing most refined carbs and all wheat products from our diet and what else I've read about health and nutrition intensely over the past 9-12 months or not so intensely over the past 8 years...
And there are things that you just CAN'T know and cannot prevent. But, since you can't know what you can't prevent... You know you can't prevent death. But, you don't know how you will die. So, you CAN'T prevent THAT...
Meaning, try using your brain the best you can... But you can't truly know when you've reached your limits of "the best you can..."
And, in the middle of this project or work-in-progress, you stop...
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