Pico de Orizaba

Pico de Orizaba
Taken from Huatusco, Veracruz, the closest town to Margarita's family's ranch.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Midlife Crises, Facebook Popularity, Friend's Lists; Conversations with a Past Life September 23, 2011

2 minutes ag
  • And I just deleted 130 friends... You may ask, "how could you have done that Ross? afterall, this is the 21st Century determinant of one's popularity; how many friends you have on Facebook!" But I got tired of seeing faces I didn't know or didn't truly know calling people "friends" that don't truly have any interest in having a decent conversation... And truthfully, I am so far away from the reality of ya all... I've never been one for shallow "small talk" and, in as much as I am a 'voyeur', I don't feel good peeking into the lives of people who don't truly interest me; I hardly do that with my true friends connected with me on Facebook. So... If I say yes to you, keep in mind that I may delete you tomorrow... Nothing personal. In fact, it's probably for that exact reason I've deleted over 200 friends and family between June and last night. It's cool. As you've seen in my Blog, I appear a bit cracked. I'm not. But I do see things a bit differently. If that's what interests you in connecting with me on Facebook, cool. But, I have a feeling that you see me as a personal connection with the long lost Cathy Bayer. You still haven't read "Jumping off Train Bridges; Cathy", not that that's so important. Our relationship was based on pure adolescent romantic fantasy. We didn't hook up because that wasn't in the cards for us. Midlife "crisis" sucks, don't you think... This crazy yearning to recover what one has lost from the past. But, that's just it; it's lost, it's gone, like Ian Fagenbaum and Lee Dowchess and who knows how many others. Gone is our youth, our adolescent and young adult vitality. Some of us retain a good part of that energy into our 50s and 60s; but we still lose enough of something in order to become seriously concerned. I imagine you are recently divorced and that's why you are seeking Cathy. Maybe you see this as a chance for rebirth... The problem is that 27 years have passed and we all change/evolve. It's important not to repeat the same mistakes/games we played earlier on... So, all that said, do you still want to be my "friend"? ha! ha! ha! No, I don't believe in religion. I appreciated your photo of where you go for worshipping... Ross

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